Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Edison Gem

Wow! Yet another recommendation - I've already fallen in love with the music of Edison Gem, and that was on first listen!

Edison Gem is the pairing of John O'Brien and Riana Riggs, and hail originally from North Carolina, USA but are now based in Los Angeles. Also known respectively as Orion and Jadis, they've had previous outings on labels such as Good Looking and Subtitles Music. They are currently putting finishing touches on their debut album as Edison Gem, and you can hear excerpts of their work on their myspace page.

If you like what you hear there, you should definitely check out their single "Time Stands Still", available now on iTunes. According to a blog on their myspace page, the album should be due release around Spring this year. I, for one, can't wait to hear it!

Anyone heading to the Winter Music Conference in Miami this year should definitely check them out!,

1 comment:

Liza said...

I love Edison Gem. They were in Charlotte not too long ago with John B.